Waffles on the rocket stove

How to make a rocket stove.

To make a rocket stove is not hard. You really just need a piece of a tree, in this case a log. The Swedish army have been doing these stoves for years. They burns for a long time and you don’t need much to set them up.

What you need is to find a pretty big log that can stand up properly. Then you need a 22mm or bigger drill. If you have a bigger hole it’s easier to fire up the stove because more air going thru. You can use stones for the pan, in this case we had 3 screws. Birch bark and a lighter is the finalé touché.

Drill a hole in the center top of the log as deep as you can. Then drill a hole from the side to meet up with the other hole to shape a L air tunnel. Put some birch bark in the tunnel and fire it up! You probably need to feed the fire with birch bark and small wood sticks untills it burning for itself.

The waffles:
1 coffe mug water
1 coffe mug self raising flour
1 egg
a pinh of salt

Just add more eggs if you double the water and flour.

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